KL revisited
I realised that i haven said anything about the trips i took with the bros back in june last year. ITs such a shame for the memories are not so fresh in my mind anymore, i'll just say some of the more memorable incidents. The trip to Genting/KL was pretty though planned long ago was executed hastily. And though the destinations are no exactly exciting, but as kiat put it so aptly, its the company that matters, and in this company, i truly enjoyed myself. IT was rather unforgetable. some of the things that happened,
1. We gathered 1 hour earlier before coach departue cuz limbei cock up, hence we chilled at a nice joint called the lighthouse just across the street opposite Lavender MRT station. The finger food there are really nice by the by.
2. We wrecked havoc during the trip with our nonsenses, taking silly fotos, tokking shits, irrtating the shit out of other holliday makers who wanted to catch their 40 winks and we used the massage fuction of the chair like 1000000 times so we can make the extra 20 bucks worth it. Got 1 auntie super pissed at me coz i constantly rocked the chair. Man she got no sense of fun... . We made a pact not to fall a sleep as wwe must soak up every moment of the trip up north. But unfortunately, brothers all bueh zai cept me and kiat, all fell asleep even before we reached KL. Along the way up, there was 3 stopovers and at ayer hitam, we alighted for some light refreshment of laksa, milo, raime burger, toast and eggs chips etc.. muahahah. Finally, we reached the madness peak above that is Genting!!!!! even before the coach open its doors, already a few buggers donned their jackets. We, being hot blooded young men, decided to 挑战 the extreme, so we went down to be hit by icy sharp jabs of coldness. It was not just cold, it was BbrrRRR... cold. Action pack jiayong who just returned from Michigan walked with his chest high and claimed that it felt like summer in michigan..-_- GAn si lang hao lian..
3. Because i was the one who booked the trip, and because i was damn kiasu i did not want to depart on Friday morning for we will reach on Friday afternoon, i chose to depart on Thur night and reach by Fri morning, so we will have an extra day of fun. IT turned out to be the worst decision i have ever made thus far. When we arrived in the wee hour of the morning, we could not check in to the hotel yet, and all the shops are still closed, there is but 1 place to spend our time, the single most powerful element that attracts people to Genting, the thrills and spills that comes with it, the CASINO!!!!!!!..... Now all of us were relative newbies, so we made quite a few jokes of ourselve, but nontheless, it was fun... IN THE BEGINNING... we chanced upon an empty 大小 table and we were pleasantly surprised for there is no one to fight wif us.. how every ignorant of us young pricks.. NABEH, we should have known sia, bo lang equals 包输. Anyway, we happily dei our bets and slowly but surely, we fall preys to the casino and joined the list of dunnoe how many million suckers. Namely, we bet big, it open small, for like 20 rounds. in the end, all of us lost. i lost the least, around 70 RM. the rest lost at least 100 RM and my MAN zhikai, MY roomie who has the 堵神 blood in him, he is the most hongan-ed. HE went down in a blaze of glory, losing about 500 RM!!!!! muahahhaha..... AFter that, we concluded that gambling is a vice we must not fuck around with, so we went to the hotel room and played mahjong instead.. hahahah courtesy of alvin, his miniature mahjong set.
4. We did not go too much places in Genting, basically just walking around, soaking up the clouds. We took a few pictures and imgine that we are in shu shan, and we are the warriors of mountain ZU. muahahhaha!!!! We went to the hotel's restaurant for a buffet breakfast and determined to eat back wat Genting owes us, we ate about 100000 sunny side ups, for there was nothing nice really.... dammit. We took a bus down to KL and that was when the FUN really started.
5. Before we even went on the trip, i already devised a seemingly cunning plan to 'scam' the hotel that we all were staying, it was Berjaya Times Square. Here was my plan.
6 of us were to go on this trip together, zhikai, chunkait, alvin, jiayong, roger and limbei, when i booked the trip, i booked for 5 people only, so we took a double room and a triple room. until the very last day before we set off, i included 1 more place and hence this threw the original plans into mayhem as now, we need a triple room. despite the short notice, the agency and the hotel, eager to earn our money, agreed to the last minute addition readily. So when we checked into Berjaya that day, i knew that the wheels were already in motion.
Me: so here is our hotel voucher, can we checked into our 2 triple rooms now?*smiles*
Check in counter: ERm sorry sir, but our record shows 1 triple and 1 double. mebbe you made mistake.
Me: but i have the vouchers here which clearly stated that i have 2 triple rooms, side by side. how can i be wrong??
Check in counter: erm, this is the holiday seasons and we ran out of triple rooms already. mebbe we can provide a mattress for the additional guests?
me: WAt was that??!?!?!? we paid the full amount so that we can sleep on mattress??
Check in counter: SOrry sir let me make some arrangements.....
MUAHAHAHAAHHA...... i knew wat arrangement he was going to make. i got this plan from Zac, who visited the place a few months back. he got the same deal too, by mistake of cuz. not everyone as cunning as me. In the end, to appease us, the hotel decided to put us up in the luxury suite, where there is a living room, 2 bedrooms, a kitchen and 1 hell of a ass kicking view for the room was on the 2nd last storey. MUAHAHAHAHAHHA......
7. Next, we went to the Petaling street, the tang ren jie of KL to shop around. this is the chiong stuffs haven. everything that is chiongable can be found here. we were enjoying ourself, shopping and eating(the popiah is thick as subway burger and cost 1.20 RM.. hows that for a bargain) until when i came across this 黑店。At the point of time, only jiayong was with me. i came across this leather slingbag that i really fancy, the shopkeep walked up and said, 老板,70 卖你. I knew that we have to make a bargain over there, so i said, 50 lar. e said cannot as he will operate at a loss which is bullshit for the cheebye bag probably cost 10 bucks to produce. Anyway, we walked away and that Ahbeng shop owner chased me and said that he is willing to sell it to me at 60. i was pretty determined to to let him get the better end of the bargain but he wld not bulge. So we walked away further. he kept pestering me to a point which i really dun feel like wanting the bag anymore, even if he gave it to me. So i said i dunw an it anymore. He decided that he cannot lose the first customer for its decidedly bad luck to lose the first customer of the day. so he sid 50 lar.
Me: nah我不要了。
When the robber/shopkeeper heard this, he went ballistic man..... he just kept cussing and cussing and he pulled me by the hisrt and his cronies of robbers start to advance on us menacingly, he loks like he is going to stick me with a knife anytime man. i was damn horrified. He den told me that he will sell the bag to me at 40, he threw the bag in my face, and demand that i pay up. i paid without hesitation man. i dun want to die in some dirty streets in KL. fucking hell... that was really enough kick for a day. we got the hell out really fast.
8. We were walking along the Berjaya time square areas and keeping our eyes out for chicks. mind you, we were at the orchard of KL and it was a sunday. CHICK watch came to a grand total of NIL. how fucking pathetic is that man? no babes at all, we walked around more and den, the closest we can get to a chick is this

we decided to give it a pass.... bamboo chicks are not hot at all....
haaa i think we'll never forget how we almost got stabbed to death in the middle of the KL "night" market... geesh... all because of your stupid brown leather bag... which i bet you dun even use now...
you dun understand... i've had a huge quarrel with a close friend i have here over things i wrote on the blog... so i've decided to take it offline for a while.
happy birthday bro!! i thought it's 31st of may?? sorry man... owe u a treat when i get back! =)
Asshole...spell my name wrongly...alc!
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