wo hui lai le wor
Alvin says that i nua like fuck, for i haven update my 1 big 1 small for ages.. since National Day in fact. so i ask, wat does it matter, no one reads my blog anyway, not like i haf sum blogs that ppl will gan pia read and den if cannot get my regular doses of shit will beg for more. Den he said," yes!!!! Basil reads ur blog and he copmplain that u haven update for jin zueh ni liao. " becuz of this, i decided that i will update my blog more more often, for one audience is still audience... and the reason why i am so inspired to write is becuz i was influenced by this relieve tutor of mine. this guy, mid 20s, looking full of drive decided to accept arrow by an A/P wif wide open chest. oh he got a great chest by the way. a hunk by most gers' standard but if i were a ger hor, i will definitely pick a pudgy guy who is warm and caring bas on 2 sunstantiable reasons
1: limbei is pudgy
2: limbei is warm and caring
okay sorrie for digressing.... the A/P and the young masters student have distinct differences. the young man feels a need and desire to learn and to teach, the A/P feels a need and desire to plant sum hair folicles on his head... the young man accepts responsibilties like a mature adult(age 26-27) and takes my tutorial class... the A/P shirks responsiblities like a mature adult(age 26-death) by buying a 2 way tickets to tour the 3 gorges of china before they becum high tech dams... So you see my class, having such a tutor like old broken A/P tend to not attend classes, furthermore it is a da bao module... but the extend of ponteng left me gasping in disbelief. i went into the class and there i was, in a big ass tutorial room alone with hot young masters' student. it my turn me on tremendously if it is a she masters student, but a he masters student made me squirm uncomfortably in my rip of quiksilver slippers. and as such, i rasie my right hand like a stupid primary sch brat and demand for the class to be dismissed. Now this young man win all ernestness look me inthe eyes and said... 1 student is still a class... and for my effort in coming to lessons, he will impart in me all i need to know abt conservations of forces in a 3D field. Now to say tt i was move to tears is an understatement.... i nearly wet my pants for goodness sake... so eerie...
so u see, now that basil has ask for me to blog, i shall do so for tt1 reader( All gcbians not inclusives). Oh by the way, Basil is the coordinator for the tiger beer event that me, cb kai and cb alvin was involved in. the beers and the gers.... oh man...... but yah.. basil is a good man.. he went after th's throat for our money... th is a jian shang(twisted businessman) by the way.
okay.... to all those who might be waiting for me to write too, i am back, wo hui lai le wor... and i shall update more religiously... xie xie ni men... and i wanna use to opportunity to congratulate cb kiat on his new found freedom even tho i dun approve of it since kai said it wld be yi qian nian yi hou b4 kiat can find another love.... muahahahh kai sibeh fucked up like tt say brother... lin nao hia.. kiat very eligible hor..... mai siao siao.... anyway. alvin need to stop being so stress... take charge of studies, dun let studies take charge of u.. if u dunnoe how to relac jack, cum to me... yoke muz jiayou since he now vp of shooting club.. kai muz wash more clothes... chen haoye ccb....... never cum back hall dun say.. kanina hai wo sleep floor... jiayong... pls dun change too much when u cum back... tt pretty much wrap up this blog... goodbye everyone for now... good day....